Korang tak pelik ke macam mana saya boleh tiba-tiba nak
pilih Herbalife as my one of favourite part time job ? Hehe. Tak kisah pun
kalau tak pelik. Actually , dari dulu memang saya suka gila duit. I don’t know
why. Tapi saya rasa best bila dapat bagi parent duit walaupun RM50 (wktu tu part time cikgu tuisyen). And rasa macam ketagih.
Haha ( overnya ayat ketagih) Tapi betul , saya memang suka duit. Ada orang tak
suka duit ke ? Tipu lah, semua pun suka duit. Haha. Tapi dulu-dulu taklah eager
mana pun nak buat duit. Once kitorang ada usrah dengan beloved Kak Asna Hidayah
, Kak Asna suruh kitorang list down apa yang kitorang nak jadi 7 years onward.
She said , she wanna have
- asset 5 figures every month or more than that.
- her own books.
- married and have at least 4 kids.
- Her own school ( madrasah Islamiyah for exact)
- Sadaqah at least 4K every month
Ok , saya inspired gilaaaa. Waktu tu umur Kak Asna 20 y/o ,
so she wanna achieve all these within 7 years now on. Sapa tak nak jadi gitu
beb. Kaya raya , at same time banyak sangat amal jariah. MashaAllah , nak macam
tu jugak !! Tu baru namanya the making of next Siti Khadijah r.a J
So , start hari tu , saya pun tulis lah impian-impian saya.
And of course I will not showing here. Tak surprise lah kan. But most of my
dream is about MONEY !
How you wanna build sekolah tahfiz without money ?
How you wanna get married without money ?
How you gonna raise
your kids without money?
How you wanna helps people if you unable to helps yourself
my dear ?
Erti Hidup Pada Memberi.
Yes , orang cakap “ toksahlah kaya sangat ni , cubalah hidup tu zuhud sikit”
Allahu Akbar ? Do you exactly know what zuhud means ?
Allahu Akbar ? Do you exactly know what zuhud means ?
K , cuba dengar..
=) Alangkah bagusnya bila kita kaya itu , kaya yang dapat
beri manfaat pada orang lain lebih dari diri sendiri.
Contoh terdekat adalah
Tok Guru Nik Aziz sendiri, beliau kaya, sangat kaya. Tapi kemana beliau
menyalurkan hartanya ? Adakah untuk kepentingan peribadi atau ummah ?
Itu adalah WHY terbesar kenapa Muslim need to be rich. Because many people out there need us so much. Bukan tujuan nak jadi berlagak Muslim kaya. No ! Salah tu. Muslim need to be rich because of other people Muslim who not able or don’t have chances like all of us.
Zuhud bukan beerti terus menghindarkan diri dari harta
dunia. Tidak. It’s all about you. You decide how much money you wanna earn ,what you gonna do with all the
money and where the money will flow ? You decide.
Bila Muslim be a RICH MUKMIN. We have many CHOICES. We have
so much options. InshaAllah , if you are kind hearted people , you will choose
to earn more to helps more. J
Ada satu kisah di Indonesia, kisah ni Ustaz Salim A. Fillah
cerita pada kami.
Di Indonesia , ada saudagar kaya, namanya Haji Othman. He is
one of the richest guy in Indonesia. Haji Othman ni berniaga kain.
Sangat-sangat maju. Dia berniaga dan
terus berniaga. Harta dia banyak sangat. Dialah yang buat masjid , dialah yang
taja Maahad , dialah yang paling banyak bantu orang miskin, dia bina rumah
untuk orang-orang yang memerlukan. Sampai lah ada orang tanya.
“ Apakah yang paling engkau cintai Pak Othman ?”
“ Aku cintakan harta , aku tersangat cintakan harta”
orang yang bertanya tu pelik , macam mana orang yang baik
and soleh macam Haji Othman ni boleh cakap dia cintakan harta ? Haji Othman
cakap lagi
“ Aku kumpul harta dunia , aku bina harta dunia, InshaAllah
, harta akhirat yang di bina di di dunia, maka harta itu akan kunikmati lagi di
akhirat InshaAllah”
MashaAllah , ada betulnya apa Haji Othman tu cakap , dia
bina sebanyak mungkin harta jariah yang dia mampu sepanjang hidup , InshaAllah
, Allah akan memberi ganjaran harta akhirat pada dia J
So , salahkah menjadi Mukmin yang kaya ? (renung-renungkan )
Ok , back to my topic. Why I choose Herbalife.
Dalam Herbalife , pertama kali dalam hidup saya jumpa
ramainya orang yang baik hati , humble at the same time they’re unimagineable
rich !
They thought me to
“Helps people! it’s not about how much you earn , it’s all about how many people you help ? “
They thought me to
“Helps people! it’s not about how much you earn , it’s all about how many people you help ? “
Dalam Herbalife saya jumpa bisnes yang sejujur-jujurnya. No
wonder makin kaya orang Herbalife yang saya jumpa , makin happy and makin dekat
dengan Allah. ( muslim lah) Makin kuat kepercayaan kami pada kuasa Allah. Makin
positive makin sihat and masa yang berkualiti untuk ibadat. Yang non-muslim
pulak , makin positif and makin ramai yang dekati Islam. MashaAllah.
Kaya itu bonus.
What most important is what I gained after be one of Herbalife member. What I become and what is my attitude.
What most important is what I gained after be one of Herbalife member. What I become and what is my attitude.
Saya akui , saya ego
orangnya. Saya pentingkan nama. Saya pentingkan penghargaan manusia.
Once saya masuk Herbalife ( dengan Izin Allah) , saya sedar , nama pangkat tak bawa kemana andai hidup tak beri manfaat pada diri atau sesiapa. Kita semua kejar akhirat , bukan dunia. Tapi , bagaimana cara awak kejar akhirat itu yang membezakan kita di tingkat syurga yang sama atau lain.
Once saya masuk Herbalife ( dengan Izin Allah) , saya sedar , nama pangkat tak bawa kemana andai hidup tak beri manfaat pada diri atau sesiapa. Kita semua kejar akhirat , bukan dunia. Tapi , bagaimana cara awak kejar akhirat itu yang membezakan kita di tingkat syurga yang sama atau lain.
If you be a doctor , and you proud of your title , it will
go nowhere.
If you become a teacher , and you always complaining the burden of being a teacher , how busy you are to handle kids. It will go nowhere.
If you become businessman , yet you always tell a lie , that your product will cure everything like magic , it will go nowhere.
If you become a teacher , and you always complaining the burden of being a teacher , how busy you are to handle kids. It will go nowhere.
If you become businessman , yet you always tell a lie , that your product will cure everything like magic , it will go nowhere.
Alhamdulillah , Herbalife not selling drugs. We distributes
nutritious meal replacement. InshaAllah , if you eat good , you consumes goods
, you will be good.
Alhamdulillah , after Herbalife I appreciate TIME , I
appreciate money , I appreciate love around me.
I appreciate time with Allah. MashaAllah , saya tak pernah rasa tujuan solat sebelum ni. To be His beloved slave. To helps people , I need Allah to helps me. I am nothing without Him.
It’s all about you. You decide your own journey. We are not paid simply like that. We strives for it. We put our heart in each of our journey. We realized, nothing in this world simply came just like that. All things need effort. We must face challenges, and we know it is not easy. But Alhamdulillah, it is amazingly WORTH IT !
I appreciate time with Allah. MashaAllah , saya tak pernah rasa tujuan solat sebelum ni. To be His beloved slave. To helps people , I need Allah to helps me. I am nothing without Him.
It’s all about you. You decide your own journey. We are not paid simply like that. We strives for it. We put our heart in each of our journey. We realized, nothing in this world simply came just like that. All things need effort. We must face challenges, and we know it is not easy. But Alhamdulillah, it is amazingly WORTH IT !
I’m extremely proud of being somebody who helps other
Herbalife vision is CHANGING PEOPLE’S LIVES.
If you wanna go next level , helps more people. The more
people you helps , the higher you will fly.
We don’t have a boss , because we are ourself’s boss !
Be your own boss J
We don’t have a boss , because we are ourself’s boss !
Be your own boss J
Helps people , helps people , helps people.
The more you give , the more you earn. InshaAllah J
The more you give , the more you earn. InshaAllah J
HUBUNGI 012-6063182