Sunday, 30 June 2013


Bismillah. In The name of Allah Ar Rahman Ar Rahim


I think we all have heard of this, but never really apply it in our head and life.

All of us, we are living based on our perceptions. Perceptions or persepsi, bermaksud:  a way of interpreting something. We are living based on how we interpret things. So it is very important that we are aware of this.

Our happiness is not outside to inside. "In order to become happy, live in a happy environment." - NO. If you want you soul to feel the happiness, in must be inside to outside. Means whatever your condition outside, you are happy from the inside.

And our INSIDE is strongly affected by our PERCEPTIONS on life. How we see things we have been seeing. PERCEPTIONS are strongly affected by our MENTAL ATTITUDE. Are we positive people? Berfikiran jauh? Banyak berfikir tentang Allah dan hikmah? Banyak berfikir tentang diri atau orang lain? That is our mental attitude. Sorryla kalau bahasa motivasi aku ada tersalah ke apa. I am just pouring what's inside me right now.

The point that I am writing this is because I once had and still have a huge challenge in controlling my inner. I think everyone pun sama. Once we acquire skills to remain happy in this situation, Allah akan move kan kita ke next level by introducing another challenges and test our inner strength. It's always like that. So LIFE, is like a struggle and a war with your inside. It actually has nothing to do with another people!

"You only compete with yourself." Rupanya, the meaning is too deep.

One of the way for me to stay strong is to write a blog about this. Bukannya untuk menasihati orang lain. Tapi bila segala monolog dalaman aku dengan diri sendiri, and I write it down, it becomes something more solid than before.

I received a comment about my previous entry praising me saying "Being positive all the time is just not human". And I was like, "No no no... you don't get it do you? I blog because I am telling myself in a stronger ways, to be positive." When I am writing right now, it's 5% for you, and 95% for me. What you blogged reflects YOU. If you kerap marah-marah, that is what you always tell yourself. (I've been there trust me. That's why I have deleted many entries of the past. It's just too...immature... too emotional)

So perceptions. We often tell ourselves, "Ignore negative people." "Don't waste your time thinking about people who hurt you." Bla bla bla. It's always more important to think about How to overcome these people that has bad effect in our lives. And after 19 years of living and guarding myself from these people, I realised new thing.

"Have we ever told ourselves HOW to avoid being in these group of people to another person??"


AHAH! At one point we thought we have achieved something. And the next moment I was like....falling.

How do we see others? Especially the people we like less?

When people hurt us, do they really hurt us or we are the one allowing ourselves being hurt?

When we were chatting, and some words came out of our friends mouth, and it's actually hurting us. But do they really intend to hurt us? Or are we making up our negative mind on them? And we started to assume. And we feel so depressed. And BOOM! There goes, "I HATE THIS PERSON!!" inside us.

And that person really has no idea about it. -__-"

Ofcourse, aku takdela nak kata kita kena perfect sangat. Sebab sometimes, untuk kebaikan bersama kita kena tunjukkan juga kita tak suka sesuatu yang mengganggu kita atau kehidupan kita. We have to stand up for it!! I am just talking about something very general here. About our perceptions.

We often started to hate everything that comes out from people we hate. And that's already our emotion talking. Not our mind. We don't like something they said? It's okay. We don't like them? It's not okay. Then we have already being the "haters" that we have always trying to avoid all these while.

Quran pun mention tentang persepsi kita terhadap orang lain. PERCEPTIONS = SANGKAAN. Sangkaan is just what we thought about people. And in the Quran, it is stated, jauhkan diri dari menyangka, untuk mengelakkan sangkaan yang dilarang.

“Wahai orang-orang yang beriman! Jauhilah kebanyakan dari sangkaan (supaya kamu tidak menyangka sangkaan yang dilarang) kerana sesungguhnya sebahagian dari sangkaan itu adalah dosa ..."(Al Hujurat 49: 12)


Antara perkara yang boleh menyebabkan sangkaan buruk juga adalah Namimah. Rasulullah melarang 'Namimah'. Namimah adalah kelas hadis pertama yang aku pernah hadiri pada zaman lepas sekolah dulu, oleh kelas ustazah Aisyah. It stays fresh in my mind. Bukan mengumpat je berdosa. Namimah itu pun suara-suara syaitan jugak.Namimah ni melibatkan 3 orang.

A = Berkata sesuatu tentang C pada B, sama ada marah atau mengumpat ke. Tapi dosa dia kat mengumpat/menghina tu je. Atau tiada dosa pun kalau dia sekadar meluahkan.

B = B rasa nak bagi tau C. Kononnya tanggungjawab.

C = Rasa marah sangat mendengar A mengata belakang.

Yang paling berdosa kat sini bukannya A atau C. Tetapi B, si penyampai. B yang wujudkan marah dalam hati C. Kalau tak cakap langsung, tak adalah api kemarahan kan? Macam tulah.

Telah datang seorang lelaki kepada Hassan al-Basri lalu berkata: 

“ Sesungguhnya si fulan bercakap sesuatu tentang kamu “. Lalu beliau menjawab : “ Tiadakah utusan syaitan selain engkau ?”

Namimah adalah mengadu domba, seperti seseorang berkata kepada kawannya, (katakan namanya Mr. J.)

“Hei Mr. J., 'you' tau tak, Miss World cakap 'you' ni tak berapa pandai dalam hall itu dan ini, tengok banyak assignments 'you' yang tak siap’ Mungkin n mungkin perkataan tadi boleh menyebabkan Mr. J. membenci Miss World dan mungkin boleh menyebabkan mereka bergaduh dan bermasam muka.

Rasulullah SAW bersabda:
Tidak akan masuk syurga orang yang melakukan namimah (HR Bukhari dan Muslim)
Beratnya namimah kerana mewujudkan api kemarahan yang tidak sepatutnya ada.

Perception jugak, bila diluahkan, akan menjadi mengumpat tak tentu pasal. Walhal yang diumpat tu hanyalah perception.

"Dia cakap mcm ni ni ni."
"Hah yeke?"
"Kalau die boleh mention mcm tu...maknanya memang dia nii..."--mula buat assumption dan cerita sendiri yang semakin panjang.
"Ya Allah teruknya..."

Bla bla bla leads to mengumpat.


Try to imagine yourself loose. You aren't attach to anything in this world. You are focusing on Jannah. And you reflect back all the things you have done, said, and etc. You will actually realize that all the perceptions we have on others, either they hurt us on purpose or not, are actually useless. And another day you spend thinking bad about them, dalam keadaan kita tak tahu pun mungkin Allah dah ampunkan dosa dia, it just another way to waste you soul. WASTED. Wasted by only bad perceptions on others.


Therefore, nak summarize daripada kesemuanya. Happiness is from within. No matter what people do and say, if we are negative inside, we will get hurt. If we are positive inside, we wont get hurt or even if we feel hurt, it's not for long. SO ALWAYS SEEK FOR YOUR INNER HAPPINESS, which is as a Muslim is remembrance of Allah and why we live in this world.

Fuhh... so that's all on me. I am very thankful for everyone I ever hated because of them, I am enlighten that hatred leads to no where and Allah might have forgiven them and I am left alone in something that Allah tak suka!! I am truly grateful of everyone that ever hurts me because the first person who hurts me brings me years of pain but the 100th person to hurt me brings me light of remembering Allah more. I am truly grateful of every single person who comes in my life, because all the exposures is a practice of patience, gratitude, tolerance, and the newest thing I learn is LOVE and MERCY for the sake of Allah.

I am truly thankful for everyone who has been kind to me. You are the remedy and medicine in every hurts and pains.

Lastly, THANK YOU ALLAH, for always guiding me even though I don't deserve this. May Allah grant us Jannah.

Kata penutup, aku mengarang hari ini hanyalah monolog dalaman that I took years of fighting inside and finally I understood this. It has nothing to do with anyone else. umpama open diary ;)

Sunday, 23 June 2013

Common errors made during Ramadhan

source: Al-Jumuah Magazine, Vol 8, Issue 9

 1. Excessive spending: Ramadhan should be a time to avoid being wasteful, and learning to be prepared in facing harder times by distinguishing the needs from the luxuries. Unfortunately, many people go beyond their limits to spend during Ramadhan. Whether in the varieties of food that they savor each night, or by the other types of spending.

2. Staying awake during the night and sleeping during the day: Some people sleep during most of the day when they are fasting. Ramadhan is not a time of being lazy, and this do not allow the full benefit from the experience of fasting. It is as if they have only inverted their nights into days and vice versa. In addition, some may spend a great portion of the night indulging in eating and drinking and socializing

3. Spending more time in socializing: Because people invite each other more often during Ramadhan they do tend to spend more time socializing with friends, and relatives. While it is a good deed to feed the fasting person, this should not result in precious time lost in vain talk. Use the occasion for remembering Allah and offering additional prayers, and for the Da'wah to Allah.

4. Insisting on performing a certain number of Rakaas during the Tarawih (night) prayer to the point of not praying behind the Imam and thus forfeiting the benefit of congregational prayer. This might also bring hatred and disagreement between the Muslims of one community.

5. Reading Qur'an too fast: Some insist on finishing the whole Qur'an once or more, even if they have to read very fast. Although reading the Qur'an many times is desirable, this should not be done hastily, especially during the Tarawih prayer without pondering upon its meaning. Allah ta'ala said: "This is a Book which We have sent down to you, full of blessings that they may ponder over its verses," (Saad 38:29), and the Prophet sallallahu alayhe wa sallam said: "Those who read the Qur'an in less than three days do not grasp [its meaning]"

6. Socializing in l'tikaf: Many people are eager to do I'tikaf but some confine themselves in the masjid not to pray and worship Allah but to talk and socialize.

7. The ways of doing good are numerous in Ramadhan Many people try to perform more than they are able to. By going beyond their capabilities, they end up not performing any deed in the desired way.

8. Scholars and Dai'ahs should assume a more prominent role in educating the people -both by talking to them and by giving the best example in their behavior which should comply to the Shariah and following the Sunnah.

9. The Muslim should realize that his priorities dictate that he does what benefits him in the Hereafter and should not put worldly interests first.

10. The Muslim should apply himself to deepen his sense of following the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhe wa sallam, in every aspect of his life, at all times and especially during the month of Ramadhan. This necessitates seeking more knowledge about the Fiqh of fasting and its etiquette, assimilating the wisdom and goals of fasting, and facilitating the means that allow all the Muslims to benefit from their fasting.

We ask Allah to accept our fast and our good deeds.

Saturday, 15 June 2013

Pedihnya 'hadiah' awak

Dalam riwayat Muslim, Rasulullah s.a.w bersabda (bermaksud) : 

Hak Muslim terhadap Muslim yang lain ada 6 perkara iaitu jikalau engkau bertemu dengannya, maka berilah salam kepadanya, jika ia mengundangmu, maka kabulkanlah undangannya, jikalau ia meminta nasihat, maka berilah ia nasihat, jikalau ia bersin kemudian mengucapkan "Alhamdulillah", maka taymitkan ia, jikalau ia sakit, ziarahlah ia, jika ia meninggal dunia, maka iringilah jenazahnya

Bismillah . In the name of Allah Ar Rahman Ar Rahim..

Kita semua pernah kena tarbiyah kan ? atau erti kata lain , kita ni kena 'basuh' , nasihat , tegur dan seumpamanya. Tapi , jarang sangat nasihat itu manis. Dah nama pun nasihat ; khabar dari orang lain untuk memperbaiki diri kita. Mestilah pedihkan ? Mostly rasa macam mencucuk2 hati , telinga n iman kita.

Tapi , tahukah kita , nasihat itu salah satu hak muslim terhadap muslim yang lain. Nasihat itu umpama alarm , baja atau peringatan kepada manusia yang fitrahnya senang terleka dan lupa.

Itulah hikmah azan dilaungkan. Walaupun kita tahu waktu sekian-sekian akan masuk waktu solat , tapi muazzin tetap laungkan azan kan ? :) sebab azan itu peringatan untuk manusia agar segera solat :) Indahnyaa Islam.

Di alam maya , kita ni senang je nak beri peringatan , tapi dalam masa yg sama adakah kita senang nak terima nasihat dan peringatan itu ? hanya hati yang bersih sahaja mampu terkesan dengan setiap peringatan yg dituju kepadanya. Sebab apa ? Sebab dia percaya itulah peluang untuk dia lebih dengan dengan Tuhannya. 

Insan yang menerima insan adalah insan yang bersifat hamba. Hamba Allah. Dia tahu dia hanya hamba , sebab itu dia terima nasihat seadanya.

NASIHAT itu umpama batu asah .MANUSIA itu pisau yang tumpul .

Batu asah perlu digosok berkali-kali demi menajamkan pisau yg tumpul.

Semoga kita semua melaksanakan hak Muslim lain dan menjalankan tugas kita sebagai Muslim agar terus saling ingat mengingatkan , dan berjiwa hamba untuk menerima segala teguran pedih untuk menajamkan iman kita. Amiin :)

Tuesday, 11 June 2013

Peganglah Agamamu :)

Walau dimana kita berada,berpeganglah dgn asas AGAMA yg kita ada..praktikkan!

Tak kisah lah apa orangg nak kata. Buktikan kepada mereka dengan menjaga syariat tidak membataskan kita untuk melakukan sesuatu perkara yang menjurus ke arah kebaikan,malah memberi kekuatan untuk terus cemerlang..In Shaa Allah.

Jangan biarkan diri terbawa arus , tetapi ubahlah arus ke arah yang diredhai Allah..So,FIGHTING !!!

Kitab Majmu al-Fatawa disebutkan,
"Seseorang hamba Allah MESTILAH mengosongkn sebahagian masanya untuk berdoa,berzikir,bersembahyang,bertafakur,melakukan muhasabah diri dan menggilap hatinya"
Apabila kita selalu dapat melakukannya , kita menjadi bateri yang sering di dicas.

Bateri ini pastinya LEBIH HEBAT daripada bateri yang lain.

-7 Formula Individu Cemerlang oleh Dr.Danial Zainal Abid

Tuesday, 4 June 2013


Sungguh. Melihat 'dia' aku cemburu. Ingin sekali aku jadi sepertinya. Bersih dan suci mukanya tanpa sebarang make up. Natural. Putih dan bercahaya. Bukan luaran yang aku dambakan, tapi akhlaknya membuatkan aku tergugut. Terdetik dalam hati, "Ya Allah, solehahnya dia.."

Manis dengan senyuman.
Baik hubungannya dengan Tuhan.

Aku biarkan perasaan ini. Andai perasaan ini dapat membawa aku mendekatiNya, meningkatkan ketaqwaan ku padaNya, aku redha ya Allah. Teringin sekali aku mendekatinya, alhamdulillah kami sahabat baik. Saat bertemu bagai tidak mahu melepaskan dia pergi, pergi jauh dariku. Kerana aku bimbing aku kian leka dengan dunia, alpa terhadap perintahNya.

Ya Allah, aku mohon kau peliharalah ukhwah kami.. Sungguh, teringin sekali aku mengikuti jejak langkahnya di mana tiada seorang pun lelaki cuba 'mencuri' hatinya.

Andai aku seperti Rabiatul Adawiyah, yang hati dan cintanya hanya untuk Allah..

Love's Hope ^_^

Bismillah . In the name of Alllah Ar Rahman Ar Rahim :)