Bismillah. In The name of Allah Ar Rahman Ar Rahim
I think we all have heard of this, but never really apply it
in our head and life.
All of us, we are living based on our perceptions.
Perceptions or persepsi, bermaksud: a
way of interpreting something. We are living based on how we interpret things.
So it is very important that we are aware of this.
Our happiness is not outside to inside. "In order to
become happy, live in a happy environment." - NO. If you want you soul to
feel the happiness, in must be inside to outside. Means whatever your condition
outside, you are happy from the inside.
And our INSIDE is strongly affected by our PERCEPTIONS on
life. How we see things we have been seeing. PERCEPTIONS are strongly affected
by our MENTAL ATTITUDE. Are we positive people? Berfikiran jauh? Banyak
berfikir tentang Allah dan hikmah? Banyak berfikir tentang diri atau orang
lain? That is our mental attitude. Sorryla kalau bahasa motivasi aku ada
tersalah ke apa. I am just pouring what's inside me right now.
The point that I am writing this is because I once had and
still have a huge challenge in controlling my inner. I think everyone pun sama.
Once we acquire skills to remain happy in this situation, Allah akan move kan
kita ke next level by introducing another challenges and test our inner
strength. It's always like that. So LIFE, is like a struggle and a war with
your inside. It actually has nothing to do with another people!
"You only compete with yourself." Rupanya, the
meaning is too deep.
One of the way for me to stay strong is to write a blog
about this. Bukannya untuk menasihati orang lain. Tapi bila segala monolog
dalaman aku dengan diri sendiri, and I write it down, it becomes something more
solid than before.
I received a comment about my previous entry praising me
saying "Being positive all the time is just not human". And I was
like, "No no no... you don't get it do you? I blog because I am telling
myself in a stronger ways, to be positive." When I am writing right now,
it's 5% for you, and 95% for me. What you blogged reflects YOU. If you kerap
marah-marah, that is what you always tell yourself. (I've been there trust me.
That's why I have deleted many entries of the past. It's just too...immature...
too emotional)
So perceptions. We often tell ourselves, "Ignore
negative people." "Don't waste your time thinking about people who
hurt you." Bla bla bla. It's always more important to think about How to
overcome these people that has bad effect in our lives. And after 19 years of
living and guarding myself from these people, I realised new thing.
"Have we ever told ourselves HOW to avoid being in
these group of people to another person??"
AHAH! At one point we thought we have achieved something.
And the next moment I was like....falling.
How do we see others? Especially the people we like less?
When people hurt us, do they really hurt us or we are the
one allowing ourselves being hurt?
When we were chatting, and some words came out of our
friends mouth, and it's actually hurting us. But do they really intend to hurt
us? Or are we making up our negative mind on them? And we started to assume.
And we feel so depressed. And BOOM! There goes, "I HATE THIS
PERSON!!" inside us.
And that person really has no idea about it. -__-"
Ofcourse, aku takdela nak kata kita kena perfect sangat.
Sebab sometimes, untuk kebaikan bersama kita kena tunjukkan juga kita tak suka
sesuatu yang mengganggu kita atau kehidupan kita. We
have to stand up for it!! I am just talking about something very general here.
About our perceptions.
We often started to hate everything that comes out from
people we hate. And that's already our emotion talking. Not our mind. We don't
like something they said? It's okay. We don't like them? It's not okay. Then we
have already being the "haters" that we have always trying to avoid
all these while.
Quran pun mention tentang persepsi kita terhadap orang lain.
PERCEPTIONS = SANGKAAN. Sangkaan is just what we thought about people. And in
the Quran, it is stated, jauhkan diri dari menyangka, untuk mengelakkan
sangkaan yang dilarang.
“Wahai orang-orang yang beriman! Jauhilah kebanyakan dari
sangkaan (supaya kamu tidak menyangka sangkaan yang dilarang) kerana sesungguhnya
sebahagian dari sangkaan itu adalah dosa ..."(Al Hujurat 49: 12)
Antara perkara yang boleh menyebabkan sangkaan buruk juga
adalah Namimah. Rasulullah melarang 'Namimah'. Namimah adalah kelas hadis
pertama yang aku pernah hadiri pada zaman lepas sekolah dulu, oleh kelas ustazah Aisyah. It
stays fresh in my mind. Bukan mengumpat je berdosa. Namimah itu pun suara-suara
syaitan jugak.Namimah ni melibatkan 3 orang.
A = Berkata sesuatu tentang C pada B, sama ada marah atau
mengumpat ke. Tapi dosa dia kat mengumpat/menghina tu je. Atau tiada dosa pun
kalau dia sekadar meluahkan.
B = B rasa nak bagi tau C. Kononnya tanggungjawab.
C = Rasa marah sangat mendengar A mengata belakang.
Yang paling berdosa kat sini bukannya A atau C. Tetapi B, si
penyampai. B yang wujudkan marah dalam hati C. Kalau tak cakap langsung, tak
adalah api kemarahan kan? Macam tulah.
Telah datang seorang lelaki kepada Hassan al-Basri lalu
“ Sesungguhnya si fulan bercakap sesuatu tentang kamu “. Lalu beliau
menjawab : “ Tiadakah utusan syaitan selain engkau ?”
Namimah adalah mengadu domba, seperti seseorang berkata
kepada kawannya, (katakan namanya Mr. J.)
“Hei Mr. J., 'you' tau tak, Miss World
cakap 'you' ni tak berapa pandai dalam hall itu dan ini, tengok banyak
assignments 'you' yang tak siap’ Mungkin n mungkin perkataan tadi boleh
menyebabkan Mr. J. membenci Miss World dan mungkin boleh menyebabkan mereka
bergaduh dan bermasam muka.
Rasulullah SAW bersabda:
Tidak akan masuk syurga orang yang melakukan namimah (HR
Bukhari dan Muslim)
Beratnya namimah kerana mewujudkan api kemarahan yang tidak
sepatutnya ada.
Perception jugak, bila diluahkan, akan menjadi mengumpat tak
tentu pasal. Walhal yang diumpat tu hanyalah perception.
"Dia cakap mcm ni ni ni."
"Hah yeke?"
"Kalau die boleh mention mcm tu...maknanya memang dia
nii..."--mula buat assumption dan cerita sendiri yang semakin panjang.
"Ya Allah teruknya..."
Bla bla bla leads to mengumpat.
Try to imagine yourself loose. You aren't attach to anything
in this world. You are focusing on Jannah. And you reflect back all the things
you have done, said, and etc. You will actually realize that all the
perceptions we have on others, either they hurt us on purpose or not, are
actually useless. And another day you spend thinking bad about them, dalam
keadaan kita tak tahu pun mungkin Allah dah ampunkan dosa dia, it just another
way to waste you soul. WASTED. Wasted by only bad perceptions on others.
Therefore, nak summarize daripada kesemuanya. Happiness is
from within. No matter what people do and say, if we are negative inside, we
will get hurt. If we are positive inside, we wont get hurt or even if we feel
hurt, it's not for long. SO ALWAYS SEEK FOR YOUR INNER HAPPINESS, which is as a
Muslim is remembrance of Allah and why we live in this world.
Fuhh... so that's all on me. I am very thankful for everyone
I ever hated because of them, I am enlighten that hatred leads to no where and
Allah might have forgiven them and I am left alone in something that Allah tak
suka!! I am truly grateful of everyone that ever hurts me because the first
person who hurts me brings me years of pain but the 100th person to hurt me
brings me light of remembering Allah more. I am truly grateful of every single
person who comes in my life, because all the exposures is a practice of
patience, gratitude, tolerance, and the newest thing I learn is LOVE and MERCY
for the sake of Allah.
I am truly thankful for everyone who has been kind to me.
You are the remedy and medicine in every hurts and pains.
Lastly, THANK YOU ALLAH, for always guiding me even though I
don't deserve this. May Allah grant us Jannah.
Kata penutup, aku mengarang hari ini hanyalah monolog dalaman
that I took years of fighting inside and finally I understood this. It has
nothing to do with anyone else. umpama open diary ;)
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